Episode 29

Published on:

6th Dec 2020

Operation Gladio, The P2 Lodge-Vatican Bank scandal & The Dis-information Age

The Looking-Glass Forum takes an in-depth look at the Vatican Bank scandal that exposed the existence of the P2 Lodge, a Freemason black-lodge that operated in secret with only high-level 32 degree Freemasons which included Bank presidents, politicians, ranking military officials and Cardinals working within the Vatican. The P2 Lodge orchestrated massive bank loan thefts across the globe connected with Fascist paramilitary operations and assassination squads which operated under CIA cover all throughout the 1980s and 90s. The world of covert secret society initiation rites, far reaching geopolitical influence, Vatican Bank corruption and the Mafia become a single thread briefly exposed to the world by the murder of Roberto Calvi who was the president of the Vatican Bank and a member of the P2 Lodge. It becomes clear that the Vatican assassins, the Mafia and the high-level Freemason network are all one and the same organization with ties to the CIA. The hidden operations of the supposedly defeated Axis powers of World War II, namely the Fascist regimes of both Hitler and Mussolini did not cease to exist but continued clandestine operations all over the world with the help of factions within the State Department and the CIA, controlling agencies that we would come to call the Deep State in our modern era. This exposure will further elucidate the present day globalist agenda which seeks to use cyber warfare, technetronic social media censorship and the Federal Reserve fiat currency collapse to bring the world under a world-wide authoritarian Fascist police state.

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Looking-glass Forum
The lies are many but the truth is one
Looking-glass Forum introduces an instructive debriefing of the heavy content of today's cutting edge high-velocity news cycle. We are committed to confronting the most difficult political debates and convoluted cultural dilemmas facing modern society. We welcome you to Join the Book Club and the American revolt against the move toward the arbitrary authoritarianism of the burgeoning technetronic global government.
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